Microplastics have become a serious health and environmental issue around the globe. These tiny plastic particles have been found to be present in air, water, soil, food and even human organs. A recent study has highlighted an alarming concern about the concentration of microplastics in particular Indian products.

Titled "Microplastics in Salt and Sugar", it was conducted by the environmental research organisation Toxics Link. The findings revealed that "all Indian salt and sugar brands, whether big or small, packaged or unpackaged, contain microplastics," reported PTI. To test salt, the researchers selected 10 types, including table salt, rock salt, sea salt and local raw salt.

As per the study, the highest levels of microplastics were discovered in Iodised salt (a concentration of 89.15 pieces per kilo) while organic rock salt had the lowest levels (6.70 pieces per kilo).

In iodised salt, the microplastics were found to be in the form of multi-coloured thin fibre and films. The concentration of microplastics in the salt samples ranged from 6.71 to 89.

15 pieces per kilo of dry weight, according to the report. The researchers also tested five types of sugar purchased from both online and local markets. In these samples, the concentration of microplastics ranged from 11.

85 to 68.25 pieces per kilo. Non-organic sugar had the highest levels of microplastics.

Moreover, the study revealed the presence of various forms of microplastics in all salt and sugar samples, including fibre.