A California judge sided with Michael Jackson ’s estate Thursday and blocked an attempt by accusers Wade Robson and James Safechuck to obtain “the entirety of the criminal file” related to “any and all” child molestation allegations made against Jackson in both Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County going back to the early Nineties. Photographs of Jackson’s nude body and genitalia that were taken by police in connection with a 1993 criminal investigation were part of the rejected request. “These requests for evidence relate to basic fairness, so we can all have the same evidence,” John Carpenter, the lawyer representing Robson and Safechuck, argued in a Beverly Hills courtroom shortly before the judge shut him down.

“It can’t be disputed that this evidence is relevant. ..

. We need these subpoenas not only to get the evidence but to establish foundation [for other alleged evidence].” Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael E.

Whitaker said it wasn’t “lost” on him why Robson and Safechuck “want this body of evidence” leading up to trial. “It goes without saying why you want this. But you’ve got procedural problems,” the judge said.

After hearing from both sides, Judge Whitaker blocked the records requests for two reasons. First, he cited a 2018 ruling quashing similar subpoenas in Robson’s case before Robson’s lawsuit was consolidated with Safechuck’s . The judge also cited a lack of notice to third parties that their pri.