Michael Douglas has divided his fans after revealing he took his son Dylan on an emotional visit to Ukraine. The 79-year-old actor shared a video on Instagram, which you can watch below, in which he documented their trip to the country's capital, Kyiv – and it was nothing like Michael expected. "Hello, friends.

I wanted to share with you a little trip my son Dylan and I just completed. We just came back from Kyiv, Ukraine," he began. Detailing their lengthy journey, he explained.

"As you know, Ukraine is under a terrible, terrible war with Russia, so it's a little hard to get to Kyiv, its capital, right now. "You've got to take an 11-hour train ride from the Polish border into Kyiv. What we arrived to was a magical city, truly a magical city, not what I expected.

" Michael continued: "I had this vision of Eastern Germany before the wall came down, but what I saw was this fantastic metropolis. Normally a population of about three million, but with all the refugees coming from the front lines, it's closer probably to five. "Great architecture, a mix of the Soviet, but also a lot earlier times in their history.

Fabulous culture, great restaurants, and spectacular energy." Detailing the "destruction" in the war-torn city, Michael added: "Minor amount of destructions, all things considered, although we did witness a children's hospital, the largest one in all of Ukraine, totally destroyed and completely clear that it was not a mistake. "Some buildings are still standing, but ther.