Summary Miami will host the World Sustainability Symposium in September focusing on decarbonization, innovation, policy, and finance in the aviation industry. Industry leaders gather to set guidelines for achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 through new tech and sustainable aviation fuel. IATA highlights urgency and importance of radical collaboration and investment to reach goals for sustainable air transportation by 2050.

Miami , Florida, is set to be the host city for the second World Sustainability Symposium (WSS) in September. Led and hosted by one of the biggest airlines in the region, American Airlines, the WSS gathers to set out expectations, guidelines, and goals to achieve the airline industry's commitment to net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Taking place between 24 and 25 September this year, key focuses at the symposium will look at decarbonization, exploring new aircraft technologies and innovation, examining and developing further policies and regulations, and understanding investment challenges with finance and aviation industry transparency.

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Director General Willie Walsh noted in the IATA press release , that it's focuses on the industry and the opportunities the World Sustainability Symposium brings: “Sustainability is an existential challenge for humanity as it is for our airline industry. Achieving net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 is a big and complex task. But working together with the broader aviation indus.