SHENZHEN, China , Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MGI Tech Co., Ltd.

("MGI"), a company committed to building core tools and technologies that drive innovation in life science, today announced the global rights to commercialize and distribute the new sequencing products CycloneSEQ-WT02* and CycloneSEQ-WY01*. With potential across different areas of genomics, CycloneSEQTM technology integrates numerous technological improvements, including advanced protein engineering, a novel flow cell design, and a cutting-edge basecalling algorithm, to enable high accuracy and throughput in sequencing. "By integrating CycloneSEQTM nanopore sequencing with our proprietary DNBSEQTM sequencing technology, we are excited to further expand our omics technologies portfolio.

" said Duncan Yu , President of MGI. "This advancement allows us to provide MGI partners and customers worldwide with a full suite of omics capabilities across diverse range of sequencing throughputs and read lengths, single-cell sequencing, and spatial omics. With this, MGI solidifies its position as a life science technology provider to offer the most extensive multi-omics solutions available today.

" Advanced features facilitate high-throughput, long-read sequencing Leveraging its robust design improvements, CycloneSEQTM has demonstrated competitive advantages in sequencing performance, bringing further flexibility and diversity to MGI's comprehensive range of life science research tools. Enhanced motor and nanopore protein per.