One of the most popular – and, perhaps, poisonous – current trends to plague social media and many a conversation, among tweens, teens and their parents, is mewing. Practised mostly by boys, it’s a tongue exercise that involves flattening their tongue on the roof of their mouth to help jut out their jawline, in order to pull off a bolder facial profile or, what some might consider, a more conventionally attractive look. While, at first, the viral reels might appear innocent and even funny, after some deep scrolling, it’s evident this pursuit is playing on insecurities at a time when a teen’s pictures and posts define their social worth and popularity.

TikTok videos, for example, span everything from before-and-after shots to tutorials on how to sharpen your jaw. Parents are sharing their concerns on social media, and teachers are, too. Some have even that students will use jaw training as an excuse not to speak up in class, and others have children as young as 8 are participating.

And sure, if you’ve ever picked up an action-adventure novel or really anything with a romantic plot line, then you know: There is nothing quite as desirable as a man with a sharp jaw. We might find the answer to “why” in face-reading expert Jean Haner’s book . According to Haner, the sharper and more well-defined your jawline, the more driven and competitive you are, and the more strength, power and determination you have.

You are all the things, essentially: confident, smart, amb.