The Metropolitan Police flexed their muscles and swooped in on central London ’s most notorious nuisance drivers, seizing over sixty supercars and making five arrests. The blitz, which happened earlier this month, was a joint effort with Westminster City Council and the Motor Insurers' Bureau. The crackdown came after residents in Westminster hit the panic button over the sight of exotic cars zooming through their streets at breakneck speeds.

The operation wasn’t just about collecting fancy toys, though. With a lineup of high-end brands like McLaren, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari, and Lamborghini making up the impounded fleet, officers had more than £6 million worth of reasons to park these bad boys for good. The operation’s timing was no coincidence either – summertime sees an influx of these luxury roadsters hitting the streets, much to the chagrin of local residents and bewildered tourists.

Gallery: Supercars seized in London But the Metropolitan Police wasn’t content with just bagging the rides. Five individuals found themselves in cuffs, facing a variety of charges that read like a greatest-hits list of driving don’ts. Insurance fraud? Check.

Fiddling with a mobile phone while behind the wheel? You bet. Forgetting that a seatbelt might save your life? Unfortunately, yes. And then there’s the good old driving without due care – because why not add a cherry on top? Special Inspector Geoff Tatman, the face of the operation, was quick to highlight the missio.