Have your say on these MetroTalk topics and more in the comments. We need unity for our children, not this radicalised hatred The Southport knife attack broke my heart – children’s lives lost, taken, allegedly, by another child. But the riots that followed were shocking.

This was all stoked by misinformation – the truth being that the suspect was born in Cardiff and not a Muslim etc. But that’s not the point. Even if he were an immigrant or a Muslim, why punish everyone else who you think are immigrants, Muslim or non-white? One person or a minority does not represent all.

I have the sense to know that the rioters do not represent decent British people. I have spent my whole life here in the UK and have friends from all walks of life. Every colour, every creed.

I love that. The Britain I know is kind, beautiful and welcoming. The people I know are good, hard-working and thoughtful.

I celebrate Eid but also love the joys that Christmas brings. To be a nation together that moves forward in a positive way, a progressive way, a united way is what our children need. We have a right to protest, to debate, to petition if we want to change what we think is wrong.

Why riot and rampage through the streets and cities, hurting others including our police forces, destroying property, looting, trying to set mosques or hotels on fire? It is simple thuggery. It needs to be met with the full force of the law. Years of austerity, the cost of living crisis, the pandemic and worries for .