Meta is reportedly planning a significant upgrade for its Ray-Ban smart glasses, with the addition of built-in displays expected in a new version set to debut in 2025. According to a report by the Financial Times , these forthcoming glasses will feature a display designed to provide notifications and enable seamless interaction with Meta’s artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This development could mark a major step forward for the device, which has so far relied on audio-based features.

Reportedly, the updated model aims to offer a more immersive, hands-free experience by expanding its capabilities beyond the existing voice assistant. While the report primarily highlights notifications and AI integration, it is likely the display could serve a broader range of functions, including navigation directions and enhanced phone or smartwatch notifications. The current generation of Ray-Ban smart glasses has been widely praised for blending advanced technology with the iconic Ray-Ban design.

Equipped with a voice assistant, the glasses allow users to send messages, make calls, and perform other functions without lifting a finger. Built-in speakers deliver notifications and audio responses, eliminating the need for headphones. Connectivity is another strong point, as the glasses link to smartphones via Bluetooth.

Some models are also equipped with a discreet camera for capturing photos and videos, and touch-sensitive controls on the frame make it easy to manage calls or media p.