An armed officer who called himself “Type Two Terry” was so notorious trainee officers joked he should keep his hands well above the dashboard. PC Terrence Ellis, based in the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command, has been sacked for making “disgusting” abusive and misogynistic comments to two female colleagues. One complainant, a fellow officer, told a four-day gross misconduct hearing she was “bewildered and shocked” by Ellis’s boasts given the level of scrutiny on the unit which once employed ’s killer and serial rapist .

The woman said he proudly told her his nickname on a response team, adding Type Two is a Met reference for serious sexual assault allegations. The panel heard probationary officers would joke that Ellis should never have his hands out of sight in the car. In evidence, Ellis denied revelling in his moniker and said it was down to dark humour in the elite squad after two groundless sexual harassment complaints against him were dismissed.

He said another officer had been labelled “Paedo Pete” simply because he had taken a picture with a child. An inspector later instructed other team members to stop using “Type Two Terry” to describe Ellis as it was inappropriate due to recent scandals. However, it also emerged during an officer safety training exercise that involved grappling with a would-be attacker on the floor, Ellis claimed he scanned the room first in the hope of being paired with someone he could “tit grope”, the.