Covering the 2024 Paris Olympics has been the best assignment of my career. Athletes train for years to get here. They know nothing is guaranteed.

I tried to bring the same energy and dedication as the Monitor’s correspondent. This was my first visit to Paris, but you better believe I’ll be back. My wife, son, and daughter came with me, so we got a chance to create some family moments with the scenic Parisian landmarks as our background.

I walked all over this city, until my feet hurt. I tried to absorb as much as I could, from gazing at the fading salmon-colored sun I could see in the Arc de Triomphe to dancing outside Paris City Hall. I absolutely ate excellent crepes and baguettes, but also delicious doro wot from an Ethiopian place in my neighborhood.

The Whispers released a song in 1972 that sums up how I feel about the City of Light. It goes, “I said I only meant just to wet my feet / But you pulled me in where all the waters of love run deep.” I love you, Paris.

I meant to take the job that was entrusted to me seriously. But I fell hard for you. Merci ! Covering the 2024 Paris Olympics has been the best assignment of my career.

I haven’t run one race, dribbled a single ball, shot an arrow, or soared over any hurdles like the thousands of athletes who competed here in Paris. But like them, I stayed in the moment and tried to grab slices of the world they created through competition at venues throughout this beautiful city. Athletes train for years to get here .