Last but not least, developing a feeling of agency and purpose in how we interact with social media is critical to reaping its benefits while minimising its perils. In an age when our digital and physical lives are increasingly linked, the impact of social media on mental health has emerged as a major issue. This complex relationship, which is filled with both opportunities and risks, necessitates a sophisticated understanding that goes beyond conventional narratives of addiction and depression.

Dr Chandni Tugnait is a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Healer, Founder & Director - Gateway of Healing shares how mental health and social media intersect: The dual nature of social connections Social media platforms have transformed our ability to retain and extend social connections, providing unparalleled access to support networks that can boost mental well-being. However, this digital connectivity introduces a contradiction. Excessive online activity can cause a sense of isolation and separation from real-world connections, potentially worsening feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

The attention economy and mental wellbeing The attention economy that drives social media platforms has produced an environment in which users are constantly striving for visibility and validation. This dynamic can have a significant impact on self-esteem and mental health. The intermittent reinforcement of likes, shares, and comments can set off an addictive loop of involvement, resulting in compulsive m.