FED-UP locals at a popular Menorca town will hold a referendum on banning tourists in the latest blow against holidaymakers . The 195 homeowners of Binibeca Vell, dubbed " Spain 's Mykonos ", say they are tired of being "trapped" inside their own homes as selfie-seeking influencers take over their town. Residents had previously resorted to chaining up all 22 entrances to the idyllic fishermen's village in a desperate bid to keep tourists away.

They said they did not want any visitors before 11am and after 8pm roaming around their private roads. But they will take matters one step further on Friday as they will vote on whether to completely ban all tourists from Binibeca Vell. Locals have been voicing complaints about tourists disrespecting private property by going through their doors, scaling balconies, and climbing stairs in an attempt to get the perfect social media snap.

Read more on anti-tourism Resident Edoardo Gomez, 31, told The Telegraph : “There’ll be a person posing for a photo. "And as soon as they’re done, another one steps forward.” “The tourists touch everything.

"One of our neighbours has lots of plants in pots and the tourists move them so that they can get a better photo. They sit in chairs on private verandas. Most read in The Sun He continued: “They talk loudly and the noise reverberates because the village is very small and enclosed.

"They sit on steps and when the owner asks them to move, they refuse because they’re trying to get the perfec.