Many women approach menopause with anxiety about the future. You've probably heard your grandmother, mother, or aunts lament about menopause, aka "the change," as a stressful time full of hot flashes, weight gain, and plummeting sex drive. Life changes due to menopause and perimenopause (its prequel) are real and can easily disrupt your sleep, relationships, and overall health when you're in your prime of life.

Unfortunately, myths and misperceptions abound regarding what's normal, what's not, and how to safely relieve classic symptoms like night sweats and mood changes. The good news? Menopause is having a moment. That means heightened awareness, more resources dedicated to improving women's health, and open discussions to ensure you get the information you need.

Today, there are more options than ever to treat disruptive menopause symptoms. In our roles as women's health specialists, we've seen time and again that with the right self-care and planning with your doctor, you can lead a healthy, energetic life through your 60s, 70s, and beyond. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the average life expectancy of a woman in the US is 80.

2 years. This means you may be post-menopausal for approximately half your lifetime. It's time society takes women's health care in menopause more seriously to reduce stigma surrounding this time of life – and make more women aware of their treatment options.

Let's talk through common menopause misperceptions and what you.