-Originally aired March 20, 1982. -Your hosts are Lance Russell & Dave Brown. STEVE KEIRN vs.

INVADER -Keirn works the leg as the commentators make the point that Invader has black mesh over the eyes on his mask and it’s going to be hard to win if he can’t see Keirn. -Keirn applies a front facelock, but Invader makes the ropes, only for Keirn to take out his leg and apply a toehold. Wristlock takedown by Keirn, and this audience has been absolutely silent since the bell.

It’s a good technical wrestling exhibition but they just have nothing to get invested in here. -Invader tries throwing an elbow off the ropes. Keirn ducks and a German suplex pinning combo ends it for Keirn.

Like I said, dead audience, but a pretty good “This is what wrestling is” match. STAN LANE & ROBERT GIBSON vs. BILL OWENS & ERNIE KIRKLAND -And we’re in a hurry I guess, because Keirn and Invader both bolt out of the ring after the bell sounds and the next four guys rush to the ring to start this one.

We get a vague explanation that “Ricky is unable to wrestle this week,” so Robert gets a new partner for one match only. -Lane applies a side headlock on Owens. Gibson takes in and applies his own side headlock, then switches to a toehold.

Kirkland tags in and gets his leg worked over, a good strategy for a “big man,” as Lance calls him, and it’s funny because by the standards of this territory he’s big, but he’s interchangeable with a million guys who got squashed on Wrestling Chal.