Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Sign up to our free email to get all the latest royal news and pictures We have more newsletters Meghan Markle's new lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard has suffered a fresh setback ahead of its official launch following the discovery of trademark "irregularities". The Duchess of Sussex has sought to trademark the name of her service, American Riviera Orchard, for international use ahead of a full-scale launch next year. However, MailOnline reports that records show that in July, some four months after requesting to register it, there were a number of "irregularities" which needed to be "corrected.

" According to the reports, several items intended to be sold by the luxury brand including yoga matts and picnic labels were incorrectly labelled and needed to be "corrected". The outlet claims that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's lawyers have been notified of the various issues regarding ARO's trademark, which include "incorrect classification of yoga blankets, picnic baskets and recipe books". The error, identified by the US Patents and Trademarks Office - the agency responsible for granting US patents and registering trademarks - in July, will reportedly cost an estimated $11,382 (around £9,000) to fix.

The commercial production of the brand is reportedly being taken over by Netflix ahead of the release of Meghan’s new cooking show and it is believed that the streaming giant.