Critics called the dish Meghan Markle made on her new Netflix show a crime against Italy, but that’s exactly where the recipe was born - and it’s tasty. The aspiring lifestyle guru Meghan Markle - who now goes by her British royal name, Meghan Sussex - is a reliable headline generator. And this week, she gave media on both sides of the pond some grist for the gossip mill with her new aspirational Netflix show, With Love, Meghan .

But it wasn’t so much grist as artisanally crafted dishes made from organic produce the now-Californian former actress served to her on-screen friends, in between segments portraying her at other picturesque (and staff-assisted) domestic pursuits , such as tending to her beehives and berry-picking. Meghan’s ever-present critics homed in on one project in particular, which she prepared in the opening episode of the series: a pasta dish she dubbed “single skillet spaghetti”..