Princess Diana's biographer Andrew Morton, author of "The Queen: Her Story," weighs in on the future for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Samantha Markle isn't backing down on her claims that her half-sister, the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle defamed her during an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021 and in a documentary series. Samantha's legal team argued the court didn't analyze the alleged defamatory statements correctly in an appeal brief filed Aug.

2 and obtained by Fox News Digital. "The analysis for defamation by implication is the meaning and impact of the collective statements, and their careful arrangement which in fact create defamation through implication," the appeal briefing read. "A reasonable person watching the Interview and Series would have readily attributed these statements to Samantha, as many people have and as a result, Samantha faces daily harassment and threats, both online and in real life.

Once respected in her small Florida community, Samantha now fears for her safety daily, already having had to move more than once due to the very real threats of violence." "Meghan knew what she was doing, and how to do it," the court documents stated. "She destroyed Samantha publicly and on a global scale.

She has made it so Samantha cannot work, or even enjoy the most mundane of activities, like going to the grocery store without constant harassment. All of which stems from the defamatory implications about Samantha which Meghan placed in the world for the s.