After a disasterous year in 2023, Meghan Markle decided to rebrand her image from a former working royal who talked over and over again about Prince Harry’s relatives and the way she was treated when they lived in the U.K. to a serious business woman.

The duchess launced a website for her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, in March and began creating more content for Netflix that included a cooking show. However, it’s been reported that the former Suits star has just suffered a major blow with both of those ventures and there’s no one who can help her out with this, not even Prince Harry. Here’s what a royal expert is revealing about that.

Meghan’s fresh setback with lifestyle brand and Netflix show Fans who were patiently waiting for Meghan’s full product launch and her cooking show to debut in 2024 will have to wait a little longer now. That’s because, there are copyright issues with her lifestyle brand that have led to Netflix pushing her show back, according to Express . The publication noted that Meghan has not fully claimed the name for her brand due to those copyright issues, and the U.

S. Patents and Trademarks Office notified the duchess’s lawyers about “various items in the brand including incorrect classification of yoga blankets, picnic baskets and recipe books ..

. It could cost Meghan to now register trademarks and wait further to settle the copyright issues, which could further delay the Netflix show.” The show wrapped filming some.