Meghan Markle doesn’t abide by fashion rules. The Duchess of Sussex, 43, returned to Instagram for the first time in nearly five years on Wednesday, January 2, to share a video of herself barefoot running across a beach. In the clip filmed by husband Prince Harry, the former actress skipped to the shore in a pair of white skinny jeans — which are usually considered “out of style” after Labor Day — rolled up at the cuffs, and a white flowy blouse.

She crouched down in the sand and wrote “2025” with her finger before jogging away from the camera. Meghan wore her long hair down in the reel, which she styled in beachy kinks. Meghan’s video marks her first post under the username @meghan, where she is connecting with fans and sharing her projects.

Meghan and Harry, 40, previously had a joint Instagram account, @sussexroyal, but haven’t updated it since March 2020. A post shared by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (@meghan) Since her first post, Meghan has also shared a clip teasing her upcoming Netflix series, With Love, Meghan . In the reel, she cooked in a kitchen, shopped for flowers and more.

Her lifestyle show is set to premiere on January 15. You have successfully subscribed. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from Us Weekly Check our latest news in Google News Check our latest news in Apple News When Meghan isn’t enjoying days on the beach — or creating masterpieces in the kitchen — she’s busy showing off her fabu.