Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 's four-day tour of Colombia has been labelled as "self-promotion" by a Royal author and expert. The Sussexes, who were welcomed in Bogota by Vice President Francia Marquez and her husband Rafael Yerney Pinillo, have been accused by Royal author Robert Jobson of using the tour to keep themselves in the spotlight. Speaking to Express. , Jobson said: "Harry and Meghan, however, have one reason for this 'tour' - self promotion, to keep themselves in the spotlight so they can continue to trade on their royal links while demanding privacy when they are having their downtime." He also suggested that the couple's visit has "raised more questions than answers", adding: "When Harry and Meghan touched down, it wasn't just the Colombian sun that made people squint.

It was the blinding glare of their celebrity. Confused locals are asking, 'Are they here to help'? " Jobson further questioned whether the pair were merely a "shiny distraction", pondering who was footing the bill for their "flights, their security" and "their luxury accommodations". The Royal expert and author of 'Catherine, the Princess of Wales ' commented: "If anything their arrival has highlighted the deep divisions in a country still fighting to find its way.

" He added that official Royal tours, organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, serve several purposes, all linked to the unique role that Royal families play in their respective countries and within the broader internatio.