Russian President Vladimir Putin has long been the subject of speculation regarding his immense personal wealth. While some political leaders openly flaunt their fortunes, Putin has consistently downplayed his financial status. However, reports suggest he could be the richest politician in the world, with an estimated net worth of £150 billion, according to The Week.
This figure far exceeds the wealth of other global leaders, including US President Donald Trump, who is reported to have a net worth of around £6 billion. Official Kremlin records paint a very different picture of Putin’s financial situation, listing his annual salary at approximately £114,000. His declared assets include a modest apartment, a trailer, and three cars, according to the report.
Despite this, reports indicate that Putin enjoys access to a vast fortune. Allegedly, his real assets include luxurious homes, private jets, and a collection of expensive watches. One of the most controversial claims involves a £1.
4 billion mansion on the Black Sea, known as "Putin’s Palace." The estate is said to feature a marble swimming pool, an amphitheater, and even a casino, with maintenance costs estimated at £2 million per year. Beyond real estate, Putin is rumoured to own an extravagant collection of 700 cars, 19 additional properties, and 58 aircraft and helicopters, including a £716 million jet nicknamed "The Flying Kremlin.
" His watch collection alone reportedly includes timepieces worth more than his d.