When Jaclyn Sienna India founded Sienna Charles, her boutique travel concierge, in 2008, she was determined to fake it until she made it. “My husband thought I was the dumbest person in the world because we would get calls from people saying, ‘Oh, I saw your article. I’d love to go to Disney,’ or, ‘We’re going to New Jersey for the weekend,’” she told .

“And I was like, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, we’re so busy, we’re really sold out this season with high-net-worth people.’ But I had no clients.” Sixteen years later, however, faking it has paid off.

India can now count multiple world leaders, including former President George W. Bush, and celebrities like Mariah Carey as clients. Her services are reserved for clientele making in excess of $100 million a year – in other words, people who already have everything.

So what does India provide that her clients can’t get on their own? “My clients are way more powerful than me, they know so many people. But that’s not what gets things done. It’s care.

It’s leading from the heart,” she explains. “I was a server for five years before I started my business. I understand what makes people tick.

And paying attention and caring about those people is paramount.” Sienna Charles boasts a “black book” of more than 2000 of India’s relationships across the hospitality industry – including yachts, hotels and high-end restaurants. This same relationship building that enables India to connect with people .