Robert Dollowet spent most of the 1980s training dogs in the US military; now he's mobbed by hundreds of fans at Australian pet shows , all desperate to meet his famous cat Didga. "She loves the attention," Dollowet, better known as Catmantoo online, tells 9honey Pets from his home on the Gold Coast. Didga is curled up on a cat tree nearby, getting her beauty sleep before the Sydney Cat Lovers Festival next weekend, where hundreds of their 1.

6 million social media followers will turn out just to meet Dollowet and his feline friend. READ MORE: Australia's most popular dog breed branded 'worst nightmare' To say his life has changed a bit in the last 40 years is an understatement. Dollowet always had a "knack for animals" and started out as a dog trainer in the US Air Force before moving to Los Angeles to work in the film and TV industry.

Despite working in Hollywood, the job was far from glamorous. "I trained animals for free, I cleaned kennels," he reveals. "And then if eventually one of my animals that I trained got a part in a film, I would go along with it.

If they got parts, then I got work and got paid." Even when he was working on big-budget movie sets, Dollowet spent a lot of time sitting around backlots and being told to 'hurry up and wait'. "The reality is, we'll sit around for 10 hours and do nothing," he laughs, "you're taking naps, you're reading, you're mingling, you're networking.

" But Dollowet was a great trainer and worked his way up the ranks quickly, working .