Omegas are the “good” fats that are key to health. There is the anti-inflammatory omega-3 that supports the heart, brain, and metabolism, omega-6 which provides the body with energy, and omega-9 which reduces bad cholesterol. Recently, however, interest is growing in another group of these fatty acids.

Omega-7s, which have frequently been called the “beauty omegas,” act at the cellular level as they help to burn fat; support healthy and beautiful skin, hair, and nails; and contribute to our overall health. Here we’ll take a look at these omegas and why you should consider adding them to your supplement routine. What are omega-7s? Present in most tissues of our body (particularly in the fatty tissue in the liver and skin), omega-7s are monounsaturated fats such as palmitoleic acid, rumenic acid, and vaccenic acid.

A number of recent studies have confirmed that, like omega-3 fatty acid, omega-7 provides a variety of health benefits. Of the different omega-7s, palmitoleic acid, which contains beta-carotene and promotes skin hydration, is especially beneficial. Why are omega-7s important? The list of health benefits of omega-7 fatty acids includes: Where can I find omega-7s? Foods that contain omega-7 fatty acids, in modest quantities, include certain fish such as salmon, herring, and sardines (which are also rich in omega-3).

Other foods high in omega-7s are avocados, dairy products, some nuts including macadamia nuts, and some oils, like macadamia nut oil. The richest.