(Left) Baylie, No. A373289, may be 13, but she defies aging. Spry, cat friendly and demure, she is available for adoption from Pasadena Humane.

(Middle) Easy to love and great at cuddling, Bella, No. A515096, is a beautiful pit bull mix available for adoption from Pasadena Humane. (Right) Kimba, a 6-year-old cat, poses in a relaxed mood.

Chill and very loving, he is available for adoption from Lifeline for Pets. (Left and Middle photos are courtesy of Pasadena Humane; Right photo is courtesy of Lifeline for Pets) These pets are ready to settle in at their forever home — your place! Baylie, No. A373289, is ageless Baylie wins the argument that age is just a number.

This darling boxer may be 13, but she acts (and feels) much younger! This spry thing loves going for walks and will even run alongside you if you let her. She is always calm and quiet and makes fast friends with everyone who stops to say hello. Baylie has lived with other animals.

She is cat-friendly and has also shared space with rabbits and birds. She’s been very gentle with everyone she’s met. Baylie has been described as very demure and very mindful.

She thinks that she’s not like other senior dogs and can literally run circles around them. Come meet this demure diva today! Baylie, and all other pets age 5 and older, can be adopted at no charge for anyone age 60 and older, thanks to Pasadena Humane’s “Seniors for Seniors” program. The regular adoption fee for dogs is $150.

All dog adoptions include.