These days Shraddha Kapoor's film 'Stree 2' is creating a stir at the box office. This film, which has earned more than 300 crores worldwide, is getting a lot of love from the audience. It has also helped Shraddha Kapoor achieve a personal milestone which has helped her to leave behind many Bollywood actresses including Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt in terms of Instagram followers.

Now, Shraddha Kapoor is also giving a tough competition to Priyanka Chopra. Veteran actor Shakti Kapoor's daughter Shraddha Kapoor has made a strong identity for herself worldwide with her brilliant acting. On the one hand, while her recent film 'Stree 2' is earning a lot at the box office, on the other hand, her charm is also being seen on social media.

Shraddha Kapoor has a total of 91.4 million followers on Instagram. She only has Priyanka Chopra ahead of her, in terms of followers.

Priyanka Chopra remains at number 1 with 91.8 million followers. After Shraddha and Priyanka, Alia Bhatt is next in line with 85.

1 million followers on Instagram, Katrina Kaif has 80.4 million, Deepika Padukone has 79.8 million, and Anushka Sharma has a total of 68.

5 million followers. Talking about Sara Ali Khan, she is followed by a total of 45.7 million people on Instagram, while Janhvi Kapoor and Ananya Pandey are followed by 25.

3 million people. Overall, Shraddha Kapoor has become the second most followed Indian actress on Instagram. Shraddha Kapoor has been continuously active in films for the last 14 years.
