Many actors like Shah Rukh Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Rajinikanth who became stars in the film industry, once experienced their share of struggles. Another such actor, who was sent away from home by parents, performed kirtans, is now star. The actor we are talking about started his career as a singer and later ventured into acting and has now became a star.

He lives a super luxurious life and owns a private jet. He is none other than Diljit Dosanjh. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Esquire (@esquire) Diljit Dosanjh was born to a Sikh family in the village of Dosanjh Kalan in Phillaur tehsil, Jalandhar district, Punjab, India.

His father, Balbir Singh, is a former employee of Punjab Roadways and his mother, Sukhwinder Kaur, is a homemaker. He was just 11 when he was sent away from his family for studies. He used to perform kirtans at local gurdwaras while he was in school.

He started his career as a singer and released his first album Ishq Da Uda Ada in 2003. However, it was only in 2011 when gained stardom. He made his entry into Punjabi mainstream cinema with the movie The Lion of Punjab and though the film flopped, its song 'Lak 28 Kudi Da' featuring Honey Singh became a huge hit.

His next film Jine Mera Dil Luteya became a hit. After this there was no looking back for him. He continues to juggle between singing and acting.

While he has released several hit tracks like 'Proper Patola', 'G.O.A.

T', '3 Peg', and more, he also has several hits and blockbusters inclding.