“Tamil Nadu which boasts some of the best health facilities in the country witnesses people coming from across the nation to avail various treatments,” said former Supreme Court Judge Sanjay Kishan Kaul. Following the inauguration event of the Meenakshi Super Specialty Hospital here on Friday, Justice Kaul said, the people’s preference for medical services in the State was not just for the treatment but for the hospitality they get from the hospitals. Speaking about the important factor for determining the quality of health service in any hospital, he said, “It is not just the treatment which decides its success but the quality of life the patient enjoys after the treatment determines its success.

” At a time when even developed nations like United Kingdom and United States of America were facing several issues in delivering a quality healthcare, India could become a global centre for healthcare services if the current development pace of medical facilities were correctly utilized, Justice Kaul said. Further, he said, the Meenakshi Super Specialty Hospital has infrastructure of hospitals in major cities like Mumbai. “Not just the treatment aspect but also various facilities in the hospital was aesthetically and tastefully done”, he added.

Former Madras High Court Judge B. Rajendran, said, “The hospital was built keeping even the psychological aspect of the patients in mind, as it allows natural light to enter every nook and corner of the building.” Akin to a .