Noted Kannada filmmaker M D Sridhar, renowned for his hits like , , , , , , and , is set to make a return to the director's chair after a five-year hiatus. The acclaimed director, whose last venture was Odya, is teaming up with veteran producer Suresh for his upcoming film, . The film will feature Praveen Tej and Anjali Anish in lead roles.

At the teaser launch, MD Sridhar reminisced about his long and fruitful journey in Kannada cinema. He credited producer Suresh's unwavering faith, symbolised by a humble Rs. 10,000 advance during the 100-day celebrations of Krishna, as the catalyst for .

Despite facing challenges, the duo's determination brought the project to fruition. Expressing concern over the current decline in Kannada film releases, Sridhar hoped for a resurgence that would draw audiences back to theaters. Talking in particular about , and its essence, Sridhar revealed its narrative core—a love story between two youngsters from divergent family backgrounds.

Despite familial discord, their childhood bond evolves into a romance, set against a backdrop richly captured by cinematographer Krishna Kumar. Praveen Tej, who played a key role in Sridhar's , is happy to step into the spotlight under Sridhar's direction once again. The actor reminisced about attending Krishna's screening at Sagar Theatre while working with a channel.

Anjali Aneesh, a lawyer turned actor, who made her debut with Padavi Poorva, is equally excited about . The film has music composed by Vasuki Vai.