Last week, I was invited to attend an event hosted by the American Warrior Initiative. My friend Marlin told me they were giving a dog to a well-deserving veteran, and I was excited to attend. The event, held at the Community House, was so much more than I could have expected.

The room was filled with Realtors who were there to learn how they can support the effort to get veterans into homeownership. Jason Redman, a retired Navy Seal who was horribly wounded while serving in Iraq, was there to share his inspiring message and taught us we really don’t have bad days. The highlight was a beautiful dog given to Brett Steward that will be trained to support him as he lives with the consequences of his service to our country.

It was a great day, and I appreciate everyone who made it happen. Microsoft has made a huge investment in our city. They are building data centers that are bringing great jobs to our community and are making a difference with their philanthropic giving.

I had coffee with Dennis from Microsoft to share our efforts to keep Crow Creek clean and our appreciation for their donation of storm water inlet devices that capture debris before it has a chance to get to the creek. We have a responsibility to keep our waterways clean, and Microsoft is helping local governments across the world by investing in technologies that make that responsibility easier to achieve. I love the help and their goal to keep our water clean.

I attended a City Council work session where th.