Karachi Mayor Barrister Murtaza Wahab on Friday inaugurated a jump swing with the name of Jumbo Jump at the Safari Park. Speaking to the media, he said the promises made to the people of Karachi for a better and developed city were being consistently fulfilled. He claimed that efforts were under way to ensure development in every area of the city, benefiting its residents.

He criticised the negative propaganda about the city, which he claimed has no basis in reality. He said the Jumbo Jump recreational facility at the Safari Park had been provided at very affordable rates to the public. Wahab encouraged the residents of Karachi who invested outside the city to consider investing money in useful projects within their city.

He stressed that public-private partnerships were now the way forward in advancing development and assured that the city's development journey would continue vigorously. Karachi Deputy Mayor Salman Abdullah Murad and other officials of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) were also present on the occasion, including the mayor's spokesperson for political affairs Karamullah Waqasi, deputy parliamentary leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in the KMC City Council Dil Muhammad and Senior Director of Recreation Iqbal Nawaz. The mayor explained that a large tract of land had previously been unused at the Safari Park and a decision had been made to utilise that land to provide the public with high-quality and modern recreational facilities.

He said tha.