From the emblematic Santa Lucía Park, the Governor, accompanied by the mayor of Mérida, Alejandro Ruz Castro, handed over the construction work of the section that goes from 60th Street at its intersection with 61st to the Remate Paseo de Montejo, thus This important work culminates, which seeks to strengthen the tourist vocation of the heart of the city. He indicated that, to revitalize the entire area, in addition to the Corridor, other fronts are also being attended to, such as the rehabilitation of theaters and the intervention of the Plaza Grande, which is just over 50% complete and is expected to be delivered soon. “Today with the Tourist and Gastronomic Corridor not only do we have a more beautiful image in the area, but it is safer to walk so that Yucatecans and those who visit us can enjoy,” added Vila Dosal.

In that sense, the Governor pointed out that, with works like this, we attract more tourism, an industry that represents an opportunity to generate economic benefits in Mérida and the entire state. In this framework, Vila Dosal thanked the patience of the business owners on the streets and intervened during the duration of the work while recognizing the coordinated effort with the City Council and the private initiative to make it a reality today. Vila Dosal stated that today Yucatán is in a great moment, it is transforming itself, which is notable in issues such as economic growth, more formal jobs, arrival of tourists, and security.
