The state Board of Land and Natural Resources is considering granting a 30-year water lease in East Maui, possibly to a single large private company. The battle over Maui’s water supply is taking center stage this week as two different government regulators consider a long-term lease for a significant amount of the island’s water. The East Maui Water Authority and the state Board of Land and Natural Resources are expected to take up a proposed 30-year water license for up to 85 million gallons per day from the Koolau Forest Reserve, located in East Maui.

The voter-created water authority will discuss the matter on Wednesday while BLNR is scheduled to take it up as an agenda item on Friday. Critics of the proposed deal are unhappy that the long-term lease seems to be intended for Alexander & Baldwin, Mahi Pono and East Maui Irrigation, all major private companies. Mahi Pono is owned by a Canadian pension fund.

EMI is 50% owned by Alexander & Baldwin and 50% by Mahi Pono. Giving these companies so much water undercuts the mission of the East Maui Water Authority, in the view of people like David Kimo Frankel, a land-use attorney who frequently represents clients in environmental and Hawaiian circles. “The bidder will be EMI,” said Frankel.

“It’s the only one who could possibly bid for this given the way it’s written.” The head of Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources said that’s not the case. “We’re not predetermining who the license will go .