Despite being implicated in the drug-related death of 'Friends' star , two . Mark Chavez, 54, and Salvador Plasencia, 42, have been accused of illegally distributing ketamine to on October 28, 2023, at the age of 54, due to the . However, reports that both doctors have allegedly maintained their medical licenses without any restrictions following an investigation by the Medical Board of California.

The board confirmed in a statement to the publication: "Both (their) licenses are current and active and the Board has not imposed any restrictions on them." On the Medical Board of California's website, both doctors' licenses are displayed without any warnings or restrictions. Chavez's license is "renewed and current" set to expire on June 30, 2026, while Plasencia's license holds the same status, with an expiration date of October 31.

Recently, the US Department of Justice announced on Thursday that Plasencia faces charges of conspiracy and multiple counts related to the illegal distribution of ketamine, as well as charges for altering federal investigation documents. In a stunning courtroom revelation, Chavez owned up to conspiracy to distribute anesthetic drugs, confessing he conducted under-the-table deals involving ketamine with Plasencia for the late Matthew Perry's consumption, as court documents reveal the actor allegedly forked over more than $55,000 in cold, hard cash to two individuals right before his untimely demise, reports . The situation took a dark turn when US At.