Kenneth Iwamasa is one of five people who was charged with Perry's death last week and could face up to 15 years in prison Matthew Perry ‘s assistant has admitted that he had discovered him unconscious multiple times in the weeks before his death. Kenneth Iwamasa is one of five people who was charged with Perry’s death last week , alongside Dr. Mark Chavez and Dr.

Salvador Plasencia, Jasveen Sangha – known as the ‘Ketamine Queen’ – and film director Erik Fleming, a friend of Perry’s. Iwamasa was also the person who found Perry dead on October 28, 2023. Page Six reports that Iwamasa has filed a guilty plea for a count of conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death.

He also admitted to repeatedly injecting Perry with the drug without the appropriate training. According to a plea agreement Iwamasa signed, he injected Perry with “significant quantities of ketamine” — he believed around “6-8 shots per day” — in the final days before the actor’s death. He also administered the ketamine shot that killed Perry.

Iwamasa had injected him three times the day he died – reportedly at 8:30am and then again around 12:45pm. Approximately 40 minutes later, Perry allegedly asked him to “shoot me up with a big one,” reportedly his final words before Iwasama found him dead in a hot tub hours later, having left the house to run errands. Matthew Perry.

Credit: Michael Kovac/Getty Iwasama told investigators that during October, he had discovered Perry unconscio.