Matt Rogers PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images Comedian and Fire Island actor Matt Rogers went against type while auditioning for the role of one of Blake Lively ’s love interests in her new film, It Ends With Us . During the Wednesday, August 14, episode of his and Bowen Yang ’s “Las Culturistas” podcast, Rogers, 34, revealed that he filmed an audition tape for the character Atlas Corrigan.

“I got a new agent, and I think he was trying to send me on atypical things,” Rogers said, noting that he went through a breakup right before the audition. “I was crying every day, sobbing every day, and I had to cry on this tape — but I also had to be straight,” he said. “I had to manage how to maintain my emotion but also seem like a love interest of Blake Lively, who, by the way, was named Atlas.


Gotta cut it out with this name.” Rogers explained that it was a difficult balancing act to let his emotions flow freely while trying to play a straight man. “It was just so funny because me crying as a straight man, I don’t really think plays,” he said.

“You’re not supposed to have those checkpoints where you’re thinking too hard about how you’re expressing the emotion, the emotion should just be there. ..

. And you think, ‘Oh, this is a great opportunity to go on tape for something emotional because I am,’ and then it just didn’t match up with whatever.” Rogers had a laugh looking back on the situation and quipped, “You’re not going to s.