“Next time you see some haters in my comments saying, ‘All he does is crowd work, it’s so easy’ — is it?! ” the comedian Matt Rife asks his audience. The 28-year-old social media star has clearly retained the defensiveness that marked so much of “Natural Selection,” his debut Netflix hour from last fall best remembered for an effectively rage-baiting , if groanworthy, bit about domestic violence. But in “Lucid,” his latest hours, Rife’s typical hobbyhorses — dick jokes, mostly, plus the aforementioned chip on his shoulder — are refracted through his audience, a few hundred fans gathered at the Comedy Zone in Charlotte, North Carolina for what Rife proudly and repeatedly stresses is Netflix’s first all-crowd work special.

Rife is not the first stand-up to source an entire act from spontaneous reactions to his own paying audience. (A decade ago, Todd Barry conducted an entire tour with no prepared bits, synthesizing the shows into a special directed by Lance Bangs.) It’s likely the phantom haters Rife is so irked by are responding less to his time-honored means of forging a connection with the crowd than the impression that Rife is more influencer than observational master, using TikTok as a shortcut to the upper echelons of his field.

With his full lips and square jaw, Rife certainly looks the part. To that end, Rife is careful to emphasize that he’s been performing at the Comedy Zone since he was a teenager, even though his mainstream success i.