Matt Groening doesn’t want to say goodbye to ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Futurama’: ‘If you make a joke, you have to be prepared for criticism’ The 70-year-old screenwriter is launching the 12th season of the futuristic animated comedy, which has seen no changes since its beginning in 1999...

except that the creators now meet via video conference The TV series by cartoonist and screenwriter Matt Groening have made fun of several U.S. presidents, Elon Musk and the Catholic Church.

His shows have also joked about obesity, child labor , stereotypes of all nationalities and — in recent seasons — the digital NFT bubble. Groening — the 70-year-old creator of The Simpsons and Futurama , who was born in Portland — has been laughing at it all for four decades. And he has a message for those who argue that you can no longer joke about anything: “I think the important thing is to have as much freedom as you can to express yourself, but you’ve got to be prepared for criticism.

That’s justified as well. So, you put it out there and you dish it out..

. and you’ve got to be able to take it back,” Groening tells EL PAÍS via video call. Contemporary humor cannot be understood without his creations.

Groening is estimated to have a fortune of around $600 million dollars (at least according to the website Celebrity Net Worth), but the banalities of human beings and what happens in the world still push him to continue working. After creating The Simpsons at the end of the.