Matt Damon didn’t know how long he’d be playing Jason Bourne for. But a lot changed in his life throughout the original Bourne trilogy, including him getting family. How Matt Damon’s family influenced his preparation for ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ Damon once asserted that he had no idea how long the Bourne movies were going to last.

Speaking with BBC , Damon revealed that he didn’t sign for several movies at once when he was cast in The Bourne Identity . He didn’t even know if there would be a franchise. “There were a lot of things that could have happened,” Damon once told him.

“But we always said after the first one that we’d do another one if it wasn’t just a cynical money grabber; if we could actually make a movie that we felt was as good as or better than the previous one. With both the two subsequent films that was what we said and going into the third it was only that Paul [Greengrass] wanted to direct it that was my cue to sign up.” But Damon was living a different life by the time he was filming Ultimatum.

At the time, he was with his current wife Luciana Barroso , who he met while filming the comedy Stuck on You . Damon adopted one of Barroso’s children, and the two had another child before Damon began filming Ultimatum . Damon’s new family life had a huge impact on his training for the third movie.

“For me actually it was different than the other two. I used to not have a life at all. I would go in work all day, then go home and go to th.