Matt Damon often credited the Bourne movies for revitalizing his career. But when doing films like those, he was well aware of the risks of being typecast in them. So Damon came up with a creative solution to avoid being pigeonholed.

Matt Damon once shared his secret to avoid Jason Bourne typecasting Damon feels that his fame has been modest enough that’s allowed him to play a variety of roles in his acting career. More so than some of his more famous contemporaries , who he believes can’t enjoy the same luxury. “I never felt like a movie star and that’s allowed me to do all the different roles I have done.

I never got locked into having to play one thing over and over again,” Damon once told the Sydney Morning Herald . “It also really helps with my work, because I feel that I can still relate to the characters I am playing. Whereas, I think for some people fame can be so overwhelming that it distorts their understanding of how human beings actually engage with one another – because nobody is treating them normally and you eventually start to see that in their work.

They can’t really play real people, because they don’t know what it is anymore.” But Damon has also applied a unique method to avoid being typecast as Jason Bourne in the past. The tortured spy is known for his efficiency in combat, even turning everyday items like magazines into murder weapons.

This allowed Bourne to come out of most of his one-on-one fights victorious. Because of this, Damon .