Matt Damon says he’s been “really lucky” that his personal life has stayed out of the public eye throughout his career — unlike his best friend Ben Affleck . “Especially when I look at my friends, his brother, I can’t imagine living under that kind of scrutiny,” Damon, 53, said during a “Radio Times” podcast interview earlier this month with Casey Affleck . “It’s been like that for 25 years.

And we’ve had parallel careers in a lot of ways. I’m fortunate to have been kind of excused from that part.” Damon said that when it comes to paparazzi, he’s only encountered photographers getting “a little updated shot” and leaving him alone.

“I do remember when [daughter] Stella was born. So, this would be 2010. I was walking the kids to school — we were living in New York — and I was pushing her in a stroller,” he recalled.

“I think we had a double stroller, and I saw a photographer up ahead. I’d done this walk 200 days in a row, and I never had any problem.” The actor confronted the photographer.

“I dropped the kids off, and I came out and I said, ‘Hey, can I talk to you for a second? What’s going on? Why are you here?’ And he goes, ‘No, no, you just had a baby, so we’re just updating the shot.’ That was it,” Damon shared. Both Damon and Casey, 49, said that “things are different” now compared to when they were at the beginning of their careers.

Damon discussed his relationship with his wife , Luciana Barroso , specif.