A new season of Master Gardener Workshops is about to start! The series begins Sept. 9 with a session on Neighborhood Habitat Certification, and concludes on Dec. 3 with a timely workshop on Perennial Vegetable Gardening.

In all, this Fall Series totals 14 workshops, including three new topics. There is something here for every type of gardener and every size of home garden, whether you maintain a balcony of plants in containers or produce fruit and vegetables on a large plot for your family, friends and neighbors. For full descriptions of all the workshops and to register, visit https://ucanr.

edu/sites/bcmg/Workshops . In the months to come, the foundational skills of creating soil-enriching compost; propagating plants through cuttings and divisions; and preparing the garden for winter will be covered. If you are interested in learning fundamental principles of landscape design you can employ in your own garden, our new two-part series on that topic may be just what you’ve been waiting for.

A new workshop on cultivating perennial vegetables offers a wealth of possibilities for planting vegetables that come back every year, saving labor and introducing new varieties to consider for extra interest in the vegetable garden. If you are planning to convert all or some of your lawn area to a low-water landscape alive with native plants and humming with beneficial pollinators, our workshop on How to Remove Your Lawn will provide the valuable information you need for this process, .