WHILE Massy’s decision to sell its in-store pharmacy assets to SuperPharm Ltd will be a “good deal for both sides”, Massy’s chief executive officer, David Affonso, has said that more importantly, the sale will benefit customers by providing them with improved service while retaining their existing benefits. In an interview with Express Business last Friday, Affonso compared the deal to CVS Health’s management of in-store pharmacies at Target stores in the United States. “We started the pharmacies because we are always trying to innovate in the stores and be ahead of the rest, that is why we have the self-checkouts as well.

We always try to be a few steps ahead, so some years ago we stared the in-store pharmacy as a convenience for the customer, but it has never really been our focus. It is a small part of what we do and part of our strategy is about focus, do the things you do exceptionally well and be as good at them as possible to raise the barrier for anyone else,” Affonso said. “We have in Trinidad SuperPharm who provides an excellent service and runs an excellent pharmacy.

All our customers, all Massy customers also go to SuperPharm so why not let them run it. Our customers will have a much better service provider there. You are still getting your Massy points, you can still cash it across the counter, you can still do all of it,” Affonso said.

Affonso noted that the pharmaceutical sector is highly regulated, and SuperPharm already has the expertise to .