I love this time of year. Fall means crispness in the air, leaves changing colors, the smell of firewood burning in the fireplace and colder temperatures. (Instead of throw another log on the fire, I just throw on another afghan.

) Autumn in Nebraska has a different feel to it. Cornfields are ready to be harvested. The tall green stalks are now crispy and hold no color.

The ears of corn are ready for picking. There are sounds of geese and ducks as they arrive. Blackbirds seem to come out of nowhere and fly together as though they are practicing for the long trip south.

Soon the harvest will begin and the fields will be empty of cornstalks and cows will be enjoying the spoils of the harvest. Our tastes in food change in the fall. Our winter menu includes soups and chili, and our drinks change from cold iced tea to warm cider and cocoa.

Decorations come out of storage. Pumpkins and gourds appear. People are eager to display fall wreaths on front doors of their home.

Growing up there were no air conditioners in homes. The cooler temperatures meant the oven would be on more often. And my favorite smell to wake up to on Saturday morning was warm bread or cinnamon rolls.

My mother’s rolls were to die for! People seem to slow down and spend more time at home. The pantries are overflowing with canned goods from the summer harvest. The time change brings people inside earlier and we all look forward to board games and favorite TV shows.

And just as the critters gather to fly away or .