Once again , the question of whether or not Spider-Man should remain a bachelor has made headlines in certain online media outlets. As recounted by PopVerse , current X-Men editor Tom Brevoort fielded a question about Marvel’s editorial mandates during a panel at Baltimore Comic Con over the weekend. Brevoort replied, “If you’re working for Marvel, the ground rules are all the characters are Marvel’s and Marvel as an institution gets to decide what’s right and what’s wrong for these characters.

So there are certain things you don’t want Spider-Man to do— ” At this juncture, the audience member who’d asked the question originally interjected with a contentious follow-up: “like get back [together] with Mary Jane?” Brevoort assuaged the tense murmurings of the crowd that followed by answering, “He can get back with Mary Jane, he just can’t actually tie the knot with Mary Jane. Those are the ground rules going in. If you’re going to work on whatever character—if you’re going to work on Daredevil, you’re going to have to deal with the fact that he’s blind and he’s probably going to stay that way for a while.

” The insistence Peter Parker must remain single and swinging in the mainline MCU has been a subject of intense debate for years now, coming to a head with the infamous One More Day story arc in 2007. In a desperate plea to keep Aunt May alive for a precious few fleeting years, Parker unwisely forfeited his marriage to Mary Jane in a de.