“The Union,” an action comedy with Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry, should have been more fun. Or more exciting. It certainly had a lot working in its favor, including big stars and a budget for globetrotting.

But it’s lacking a certain charm that could help it be something more than the Netflix movie playing in the background. “ The Union,” streaming Friday, is a fairy tale — a very male one, about a middle-aged everyman (Wahlberg) whose life never quite got started and who gets recruited to be a spy out of the blue. Mike is a broke construction worker still living in his hometown of Patterson, New Jersey (yes, there are Springsteen songs) with his mother and hanging with his old friends in bars.

His biggest win of late was a one-night stand with his seventh grade English teacher and the one event on his calendar is his friend’s wedding in a few weeks. He’s the best man. That’s all to say that for Mike, it is a breath of fresh air when his old high school girlfriend Roxanne (Berry), walks into the bar one evening looking like a punk-rock superhero in a leather motorcycle jacket.

Glamorous and confident and never bothered by the flop of hair getting in her eyes, she has clearly found a life outside Patterson. The problem, or a problem, I think, is that we already know what she does. Instead of putting the audience in Mike’s shoes, as the fish out of water trying to figure out why he’s woken up in a luxury suite in London after meeting his high school ex in.