Think you're getting a raw deal at the moment? Well spare a thought for Radovan Karadzic, who is definitely not a happy bunny at the moment. Watch more of our videos on and on Freeview 262 or Freely 565 Admittedly, he didn't seem especially cheerful 30 years ago, either, when he was known as the Butcher of Bosnia for introducing the policy of 'ethnic cleansing', and ordering 'that every able-bodied Bosnian Muslim male from Srebrenica be killed'.

The great news is that he is now gracing Britain with his presence, serving a whole-life sentence for genocide at Albany prison on the Isle of Wight. The bad news is that he is suing the UK government for a breach of his human rights, because the food isn't up to scratch, and he doesn't have a laptop computer in his cell. Now I'm sure he only wants a laptop to watch heartwarming videos of cute puppies and kittens, or maybe use his vast wealth of experience to spread a bit of peace and harmony around the world.

But really, what goes on in the mind of a man who thinks it's perfectly reasonable to wipe out 8.500 people on the basis of their ethnicity, but a breach of his human rights not to have a computer in his cell? *** Maybe if Rad is so unhappy with life in this country, we should offer him a transfer to a more hospitable host. I bet them authorities in Iran, Iraq or Afghanistan would be delighted to host the man who made it his mission to exterminate every able-bodied Muslim.

And he could be a great bargaining chip when.