B Street historic buildings in San Rafael looking good I have worked on historic preservation in downtown San Rafael for many years, first on the Cultural Affairs Commission (no longer in existence) and the Planning Commission. I had a wonderful experience recently. It happened when I turned off Fourth Street onto B Street.

I was delighted to observe the historic buildings looking so beautiful with new coats of paint and current repairs. Congratulations and thank you on a job well done to the building owners along B Street. — Ann Batman, Greenbrae United States should aspire to get rid of guns Too many people in the U.

S. die by gun fire. No other country comes close to our numbers.

I suspect people in other countries think we’re nuts or that we don’t give a damn about our children or other loved ones. What would a sane country do? The answer is simple. Get rid of the guns.

You say that’s impossible. I disagree. Yes, it will be difficult, but there are many possible approaches.

Australia’s radical gun law approved in 1996 is a good example of strict gun control paying off. First, we must make it extremely hard to get a gun. Believing the Second Amendment is nonsense.

The Founding Fathers certainly didn’t want every “Tom, Dick and Harry” to have the type of weapons we have today. Second, we need an extensive buyback procedure. Third, we must penalize those who try to keep their weapons.

There should be a stringent system for approving those who could justify own.