Today we venture along Alpine Lake located in Marin’s Lake District — where Lake Lagunitas, Bon Tempe and Alpine are gathered together like blue beads strung on Lagunitas Creek. The hike we take along the lake is refreshingly beautiful with unique habitats that at times will change midstride — from mixed forest to open serpentine, or from Douglas fir to redwood forest. Once we reach the main trail along the lake, there is tree cover most of the way, and generally a cooling breeze coming over the lake.

There are two creeks still feeding the lake that contain perfect places along their banks for relaxing, snacking or lunching in the shade. All in all, this hike is a treat for those who can climb and descend — sometimes steeply — and can negotiate intervals of roots and rocks creating tricky footing. Summary of the hike: The out and back hike is about 6 miles round trip, but since it is out and back, you can shorten it anywhere, including at lovely Van Wyck Creek (4.

2 miles round trip) before we begin our vigorous climb and descent to Swede George Creek, our ultimate destination. From the Alpine Lake parking lot, we cross the Bon Tempe Dam and walk down the fire road to the shore of Alpine Lake, traversing approximately 1 mile. From there, we begin our true hike on the unsigned Kent Trail through the forest with the lake almost always in view.

About 1.1 miles farther, we cross the bridge over Van Wyck Creek, a lovely place to stop, relax and return if you desire. Conti.